
Fans looking forward to Northern League switch
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September 21, 2009 - Most RiverHawks fans are looking forward to the team's first season in the Northern League, according to the results of a recent online poll. The RiverHawks left the Frontier League at the end of the 2009 season, a move approved by nearly 70 percent of voters.

Sixty-five percent (927) of 1424 total voters say they are excited by the move up. Thirty-one percent (436) say they will miss the FL. Four percent say as long as there's baseball at Road Ranger Stadium, it doesn't matter.

Are you excited by the RiverHawks' move to the Northern League for 2010?

Yes, it's a great move 927 vote(s)
No, I'll miss the Frontier League 436 vote(s)
No matter... baseball is baseball. I'll be here either way 61 vote(s)


1424 total vote(s)


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